These Tricky Photos Will Blow Your Mind

Even when something is right in front of us, we might need a minute to comprehend what is happening. Before our brain works its way, we might lose track of reality for a bit. These images below require a double take and perhaps a detailed explanation for us to realize what they actually are.

Faked caviar

This looks like a batch of some delicious quality salmon roe. Its texture, size, and shape indicate that it was harvested from good fish. The truth is, this is not caviar or even edible. These are called hydrogel beads. They can absorb water vapor in the atmosphere and the surroundings. Usually, these things are used to make cooling masks and compresses.

Faked caviar

He's not wrong, though!

This person got us in the first half with this tweet. This guy was lying all along and was good at it, too. This is a simple reminder you should never believe people's lives are as perfect as they seem online.

He's not wrong, though!

Phantoms of the bus stand

Look closely! Can you see the silhouettes of three adults huddling together? Since it was pretty cold outside, the glass quickly fogged up. However, in the area where their backs were pressed against the shelter, the condensation melted because of their body warmth. Kinda looks like a painting.

Phantoms of the bus stand

That must be hurt

This man needs serious medical attention! Just look at his foot and the painful angle it is in. Why does he look so calm? What really is happening here is that this lad is tall, and so is the person in front of him. That's the foot of the person in front that we see, not his. Phew!

That must be hurt

Seashell pasta

Conchiglie is a type of pasta that resembles a seashell. Conchigliette is indeed the tiniest shell form, while conchiglie is the largest. They are pretty much identical besides their size. The folks who own this lovely decorative vase were tricked into thinking that these were real seashells. They will stay like that if they don't absorb any moisture.

Seashell pasta

Escalators of Madness

This is like when Doctor Strange was sent to the mirror dimension. If you love a bit of old-school martial arts, you might remember the fight Bruce Lee had in the hall of mirrors in the movie Enter the Dragon. Arranging mirrors can truly mess with your sense of reality. Wouldn't this make a great filming location for a music video?

Escalators of Madness

Magic mirror portal

Wait. Isn't that supposed to be a regular mirror? Then why on earth is it showing the hands and the person's desk on the other side of the partition? But the truth is simple. The mirror reflected the desk, and the camera was angled to capture this optical illusion.

Magic mirror portal

I want to pet a hyena.

Hyenas are a dog-like species with longer forelimbs than hindlimbs and a standing mane. They are known for being scavengers, but they're still capable predators. They can crush bones with their jaws. But this particular hyena is in a secure enclosure, behind fortified glass. But because of the reflection, it looks like the kid and the hyena are shaking hands with each other.

I want to pet a hyena.