Buff The Edges With More Dark Stain to flow antique wood vibe into your room

Step 11: Polished edges with more dark spots

To buff the edges, you will need to utilize a similar dim stain you did before. It will help give your item a more completed old-fashioned look and cause you to understand that you unquestionably settled on the correct decision following this cycle. Like previously, you will get a dry cloth and pour on a portion of the stains or plunge the fabric into a holder. You will buff it on edge and afterward wipe it away following. 

If you need a household item with a more provincial and mature look, you will utilize a portion of your dim stains and buff it into your paint. Try not to be apprehensive and go all through the entire household item with the color and buff. You don't have to buff hard. However, you need to circumvent the whole part. Make sure to wipe away all the abundance stain immediately.
