Scare Tactics

One of the most memorable scenes in the horror series, The Haunting of Hill House, involves two sisters, Shirley and Theo, who are in the midst of an argument. Little do they know that they are being watched by an unseen presence lurking in the back seat of their car. Suddenly, Nell's ghost appears on the front screen, causing the women to scream out in terror.

While the scene was already terrifying on paper, what made it truly convincing was the raw emotion displayed by the actresses, who were genuinely scared. In fact, the original script had more conversation between the sisters before Nell's jump scare, but the show's creator decided to change the timing of the scene without informing the actresses. By doing so, he was able to capture their genuine reactions, resulting in a more authentic and impactful moment that truly resonated with audiences. This is just one example of how the show's creative team was able to elevate a scripted moment to new heights by embracing the unpredictability of the actors' performances.
