Janitor Knows Best

When it comes to hospital-based TV shows, few compare to the hilarity and wit of Scrubs. A significant contributing factor to the show's success is undoubtedly the presence of a naturally funny and talented janitor character, played by actor Neil Flynn. With Flynn's natural comedic abilities, there was little need for extensive scripting, making his role even more enjoyable to watch. It was his acting that brought the character to life, not the other way around.

Despite being better known for his role as Mike Heck on The Middle, Flynn's portrayal of the janitor on Scrubs was nothing short of brilliant. He managed to turn a seemingly mundane role into one of the most memorable characters on the show, often improvising and adding his unique spin to each scene. In fact, many of his scripts contained the direction "Whatever Neil says," a testament to his improvisational skills and the trust the writers had in his abilities. Thanks to Flynn's natural humor, the janitor became much more than just a supporting character and a favorite among Scrubs fans.
