The Pain Was Real

The intensity of acting can sometimes feel so real, that actors can forget they're not in the actual moment, especially when it comes to emotionally charged scenes. This was the case for KJ Apa during the filming of a heart-wrenching scene in the show Riverdale where Archie tries to save Cheryl from drowning under the ice. KJ Apa, who plays Archie, got so caught up in the moment that he punched the "ice" so hard he ended up breaking his hand on set.

The aftermath was a chaotic scene of blood and screams, but despite the pain, KJ Apa pushed through and kept working until the scene was done. The raw and real footage was so good that the producers decided to use it in the final cut. One can only imagine how surreal it must have been for the actor to watch the scene later and relive the intense moment that led to him breaking his hand. Nevertheless, it's a testament to the dedication of actors like KJ Apa who go above and beyond to deliver an authentic and gripping performance.
