Travis: The Beloved Child in Sandy's Life

Upon their arrival home, Jerry and Sandy embraced baby Travis as a cherished family member. They cared for him as they would their child—feeding him formula from a bottle, tenderly burping him, and providing him with a crib for restful sleep. As Travis rapidly grew, his developmental milestones became evident. He progressed from scooting around the house to walking on his arms and legs. He learned how to use a toilet with loving guidance and found delight in bath time, shared with his doting parents. Gradually, he acquired new skills, such as brushing his teeth independently, while Sandy reveled in playful dress-up sessions with him.

The Herolds made significant adjustments to their home to ensure Travis's comfort and safety. They created an outdoor enclosure for him to explore freely, granting him the freedom to roam the house while they were away. Travis would joyfully traverse between rooms, swinging from specially installed tires and ropes designed just for him. Within their abode, he had his dedicated bedroom with a cozy bed, but he frequently slept on a mattress placed on the floor of his parent's room, fostering a sense of closeness and familial connection.
