Sandy's Letter

"Without a doubt, after spending 45 years with the most remarkable man in the world, both of us are profoundly adrift without him, and his absence is keenly felt. Travis, in particular, eagerly awaits his return, especially during supper time, as they used to enjoy a glass of wine together. Whenever my husband prepared a meal, you could always count on garlic. Try having two guys breathing garlic on you during sleep time!

Travis often goes to the bedroom window, sits on the bench seat, and appears joyful while looking out. Then, he returns to sleep, typically during the late night hours. Seeking solace, I consulted a psychic, who reassured me that Jerry visits at night and speaks to Travis. She also mentioned that my husband would always kiss me good night. It's worth noting that both Jerry and Travis have a similar way of kissing. It brings comfort during these difficult times."
