No Legal Charges Filed

After eventually tiring himself out, Travis climbed back into the car, ending the chaotic episode. Surprisingly, no charges were pressed against him, and the police officers deemed his behavior playful rather than malicious. However, Travis faced consequences the following day for his actions and was grounded by the Harolds. The Department of Environmental Protection became aware of the incident and informed Sandy that, according to a new statute, a permit was required to keep a primate weighing over 50 pounds.

While the Harolds hesitated to pursue legal action against their beloved local celebrity, Stamford's animal control department took the initiative to consult primatologists. These experts conveyed to Sandy that Travis was now an adult chimpanzee, emphasizing their natural mating habits of over 50 times a day and their immense strength, equivalent to that of five men combined. Furthermore, they reminded Sandy about adult chimpanzees' unpredictable and potentially violent behavior. It became clear to Sandy that she could not feasibly care for Travis throughout his life, which could span another 50 to 60 years.
