George Clooney's Regrettable Turn as Batman in "Batman & Robin"

George Clooney, known as one of Hollywood's most prominent actors, openly admits to one of his greatest regrets: his portrayal of Batman in "Batman & Robin." The film, widely regarded as a flop, drew considerable attention, with fans particularly fixating on the bat suit, which notably featured artificial nipples worn by Clooney.

Reflecting on his experience, Clooney expressed his regret during a Q&A session after "The Tender Bar," acknowledging the negative reception to his portrayal and the infamous catsuit. "I did one superhero movie, and I f--ked it up so bad they won't let me near the set. I don't want to get into all the bat nipples," he candidly remarked, as reported by Vanity Fair. Clooney's remarks underscore the challenges and criticisms he faced in the role, serving as a cautionary tale in the realm of superhero films.
