Triggers Good Survival Instinct
Gardening can help trigger good feelings of survival. Credit: Shutterstock

4. Train Your Survival Instinct

While humans have become very advanced in technology, they still comply with the animal kingdom's laws. It is "survival of the fittest" as Darwin said. We all still sense, somewhere deep down, the need to have food for ourselves. Through shooting, some individuals get pleasure, but many do not have the appetite for killing animals. Gardening gives us a sense of pride and security that our fruit and vegetables can be grown.

Triggers Good Survival Instinct
By making our own vegetables, we feel as if we can survive anything. Credit: Shutterstock

Human beings have been hunter-gatherers for a very long time, which is still rooted deep down in us. When you start planting a vegetable garden, you will feel great knowing that you can at least grow your food without relying on a grocery store if there is some apocalypse. Many people have also gone as far as to build on their land a self-sufficient homestead.
