Jessica Rabbit — Also Based on Veronica Lake

Jessica Rabbit, the alluring and glamorous character, drew inspiration from several Old Hollywood stars, each contributing unique elements to her iconic look. While Rita Hayworth and Lauren Bacall served as the basis for Jessica's face and gaze, Veronica Lake played a significant role in shaping the character's signature hairstyle. Veronica Lake was renowned for her peek-a-boo hairstyle, which she unintentionally popularized on a movie set. The animator responsible for Jessica Rabbit was so captivated by this hairstyle that he ensured it became a defining feature of the character.

Veronica Lake's inadvertent contribution to Jessica Rabbit's visual design highlights how inspiration can come from unexpected sources, resulting in a character that seamlessly blends elements from various Hollywood icons. Combining these influences created one of Disney's most iconic and enigmatic characters.
