Bedroom declutter
The mess can become even more chaotic if your children have many toys. Wikimedia Commons.

12. Bedroom declutter

Be sure to follow the same standard as the top of the chest, wardrobe, and office. Look closely for any clothes that you have worn for a long time or have loose stitches. The final thing you want is to tear up the clothes that hang in your bedroom closet! Include all offices and examine each drawer first. Remove all stored assets and dispose of anything you do not want. If items are in good condition, give them to a donation. Whatever you want to keep, make sure to fold it carefully and then store it in an organized manner.

If you have a dressing table or desk in your bedroom, now is the time to focus. Do not push things into the drawer, even if you want to do so. Throw away unwanted items in the recycling or empty the trash, mainly if you've used them for more than six months. Don't forget to return all your details in the right places. Store, fold, or even hang clothes and accessories you want to keep in their respective areas.
