Cats Do The Darnedest Things
After their cat screamed for help, this couple ended up having a false firefighter call. Credit: Shutterstock

3. Cats Do The Darnedest Things

"I was the blunder." My cat screamed because her paw got stuck under the dishwasher. Because I couldn't move her paw and couldn't raise the machine, I sat with her while my husband dialed 911. In her agitation, she chewed straight through one of my favorite blankets.

"Firefighters arrived with heavy boots and slacks, rather than full suits. The guys appeared perplexed, but at least it was simple? We thanked them tremendously for scaring them enough to release our cat, who was unharmed physically (not even a broken claw). I suppose she'd gotten her claws into something and didn't want to let go for the sake of love or money."
