DIY Molotov Cocktails
This homeowner created DIY molotov cocktails. Credit: Shutterstock

35. DIY Molotov Cocktails

The central unit was blowing and going. By the time we put out the fire, there was a giant V pattern on the backside of the complex, which meant you could see where the fire started near the back wall at about waist level since everything above it had burned away upwards and outwards. Up to the (now entirely vanished) roof, it's wholly cratered and gone in a flash. The surprise was in the center unit, turns out, the homeowner was trying to light his charcoal BBQ grill. He didn't have any starting fluid. As a result, he had the brilliant idea of using gasoline instead.

"Unfortunately, the coals didn't fully ignite the first time he lighted them, so he decided to add more gasoline. OUT OF THE GLASS JAR IN WHICH HE WAS STORING IT. The gas streaming into the jar was sparked by a spark in the coals. In a panic, the genius hurled the jar. Directly against his townhouse's wall. This is where it blew up. He managed to create Molotov cocktails at home. When we returned and left the scene in the skilled hands of the investigators, the neighbors on either side were furiously and gathered on the pavement out front, waiting for Captain Stupid to return from the stroll he had suddenly decided he wanted to go on to 'clear his brain.'"
