Get rid of Something Else when You Buy Something New
Credit: Shutterstock

8. Say GoodBye to Old Stuffs:

Becoming a stylish decorator doesn't mean you have to own a lot of things. In fact, the opposite is true. It's all about knowing how to arrange just a few items at a time carefully, so it feels "just right." If you keep buying new things and never discarding old ones, you will end up accumulating too much. You can even become a hoarder. Next time you're shopping at home, challenge yourself to donate the same amount of stuff to your local thrift store.

Get rid of Something Else when You Buy Something New
Credit: Shutterstock

For example, I know a few women who have accumulated many different porcelain sets in their lifetime. They keep these fancy things and rarely use them. Then, they buy curious stuff and a hut to fill these useless pieces. In the end, their dining room or living room is overly furnished, filled with items that don't serve any practical purpose! It is much more stylish to have a home filled with things you use every day and not merely keep your collection.
