Focus your efforts on high traffic areas
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49. Focus on the Heart of the House

Don't become a fixer-upper and start the renovations right away. While you have seen people doing this on TV, it's not doable in reality. Instead, try to live in the house you have just bought for a short period first. When you got used to the surroundings and start noticing where you should remodel, this is where the process begins. Furthermore, you can make the first step by choosing to decorate the “heart of the home”, where you often spend most of your time relaxing after a day.

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Moreover, doing this will help encourage you to work on other unused areas. In some cases where people own a big house, they tend to avoid using the big dining room and opt for the kitchen. Should we pay a big amount just for a room we barely use when we are trying to control the budget for our house makeover? That's a big no! Now, have you envisioned where or which room will you start with first if you choose to remodel the house?
