Tag: Hollywood Stars
Rare Photos Of Hollywood Stars And Their Stunt Doubles
Stunt doubles are easily one of the most overlooked professionals in the television industry. These guys and girls are always doing crazy stunts that could injure them, yet they don’t get the recognition they deserve. Nevertheless, some actors and actresses are changing that. Celebrities are now sharing pictures with them to show appreciation! Here are some memorable moments of Hollywood actors and their stunt doubles!
Gal Gadot
Gal Gadot is one of the leading actresses in action movies these days, especially because she is this generation’s one and only Wonder Woman. As she plays a heroine in the film, the actress has plenty of action scenes, and that’s where her stunt double comes in. Finding a stunt double for Gal wasn’t easy for the casting directors. The actress is pretty tall, so they had to look for a counterpart that was about her height. Luckily, they found Christiaan Bettridge, who looks quite similar to Gal.
Scarlett Johansson
Another actress making a name for herself in the movie industry is Scarlett Johansson. As the iconic Black Widow, Johansson performs fighting scenes for all her Marvel movies. Naturally, she needs a stunt actor to help her with these scenes, and her lovely stunt is Heidi Moneymaker. And as you can see that the two get along pretty well in these photos.
Karen Gillan
When not playing the role of Gamora’s sister in Guardians of the Galaxy, Karen Gillan also tries her hand at other action movies. For the Jumanji action movie, the actress had two different doubles. The three may not have the same height, but they have the same body type. We would have thought that Karen and her stunt doubles were triplets!
Kit Harington
One of the leading stars in HBO’s Game of Thrones, Kit Harington, certainly needed a stunt double to shoot some of his scenes. He had to wear a wig to shoot fights and other stunt scenes, but other than that, the stunt double certainly looks like Kit. He almost looks like a wax statue version of the actor!
Charlize Theron
Charlize Theron became a global sensation after her Oscar-winning role as Aileen Wuornos, but the actress is now better known for being one of the brightest stars in the action genre. In the movie Atomic Blonde, Theron’s fight scenes are simply phenomenal. And what makes the scenes so realistic is thanks to her talented stunt double, Monique Ganderton.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Many people don’t know this, but even the Terminator himself needs a stunt double from time to time. Arnold Schwarzenegger is an icon in the action genre, but the actor didn’t always perform his stunts. At a glance, you can’t even tell who Arnold Schwarzenegger is in this picture! The actor and his double look way too similar — to the point that one might even think they’re father and son or siblings!
Ian McKellen
Sir Ian McKellen played the role of Gandalf, a leading character in the Lord of the Rings franchise. One of the most exciting things about LOTR is that the main actors needed more than one stunt look-alike for different reasons. In this picture, McKellen is the one in the middle. The man to his left is his regular stunt double for the action scenes. Now, the tall guy to his right is his size double. The size double came in whenever Gandalf interacted with hobbits and dwarves so that he would look taller.
Zoe Saldana
Usually, producers have stunt doubles wear wigs and outfits that look just like the ones the actor/actress is wearing. However, high-budget movies often try different techniques to make stunt doubles look as similar to the actual actor as possible. When Zoe Saldana joined Marvel as Gamora, she needed more than one stunt actor. It’s interesting how they’re all made to look together, thanks to masks.
Cobie Smulders
Even though Colbie Smulders rose to fame after playing Robin in How I Met Your Mother, the actress is also part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. When Smulders joined the cast of SHIELD, she had one permanent stunt double rather than having different look-alikes, and they get along really well on and off camera!
Jim Carrey
Jim Carrey is a national treasure. Back in the 90s and early 2000s, his movies were everything! And one of Carrey’s most iconic characters is Ace Ventura. This hilarious movie had quite a few scenes that Carrey couldn’t film himself. Jim Carrey’s stunt double was not only handsome but also skilled. While they don’t look that much alike, you can’t even tell that there is a stunt double when you watch the movie.
Sebastian Stan
Sometimes, casting directors and producers can’t find a stunt double that looks exactly like the actor or actress they’ll be doubling for. Luckily, times have changed, and technology allows them to cast any stunt double with at least the same physique. As you can see, Sebastian Stan’s stunt double doesn’t look like him. However, the two have the same body type. When the costume designers put them in the same outfit, they can shoot their scenes, and the staff responsible for editing the film can easily do their job.
Dwayne Johnson
All of Dwayne Johnson’s movies are action-packed. This former WWE wrestler turned Hollywood star is one of the leading names in this genre. Yet even The Rock has a stunt double, and it’s safe to say that the two could easily pass as brothers! It’s incredible how they managed to find a stunt professional with the same body type as Dwayne.
Tom Hardy
This is a picture of Tom Hardy and his stunt double, Jake Tomuri. The two have collaborated on movies, including Venom movies and Mad Max: Fury Road. They look just like each other. And nevertheless, they both look fantastic!
Emma Watson
The Harry Potter movie franchise helped its three protagonists become global sensations. The three Emma Watson, Rupert Grint and Daniel Radcliffe will forever be remembered for their roles in the franchise. For their action scenes, each actor had a stunt double except for Emma Watson. The young actress had three stunt doubles rather than just one. That’s because she played a significant role in the franchise’s last couple of movies, and her character went through a lot. It is pretty incredible to see 4 Hermione hanging out together.
Os momentos mais engraçados da WTF Hollywood Stars
Mesmo sendo famosas, a maioria das estrelas de Hollywood ainda são humanas e têm momentos que não querem que o público veja. Todos querem excelentes fotos, e as estrelas não são exceção. Ninguém quer que suas imagens pouco lisonjeiras sejam espalhadas por toda a Internet. Hoje, vamos descobrir as fotos mais engraçadas de suas estrelas de Hollywood favoritas que elas querem enterrar para sempre.
1. Britney Spears e seu dia de cabelo ruim
Muitas vezes vemos celebridades parecendo impecáveis em sua vida cotidiana. A maioria não aparece em público com roupas mal vestidas e um penteado ruim. No entanto, esta foto de Britney Spears fez com que aqueles que a vêem pensassem de maneira diferente.
Todos têm um dia ruim no cabelo. E talvez até a melhor estrela de Hollywood ainda seja como nós. Enquanto nos sentimos mal pelo que ela passou em seu papel de conservadora, não podemos deixar de nos regozijar por seu cabelo não ser perfeito.
2. Bella Hadid caindo nas escadas
Enquanto ela pode caminhar confiante na passarela, parece que Bella Hadid ainda sofreu pequenos percalços ao descer as escadas, como nós, humanos comuns. Em sua mídia social, a famosa modelo sempre fica linda e sexy.
No entanto, ela é muito propensa a acidentes quando vai a eventos no tapete vermelho ou nos bastidores. Aqui você a vê descendo as escadas. Deve ter sido doloroso, pois pudemos ver alguns hematomas aparecendo em suas pernas.
3. Leonardo deve evitar o voleibol.
Quem não conhece Leonardo DiCaprio, para ser honesto? Entre suas belas fotos de muitos filmes, há outras imagens pouco lisonjeiras da própria superestrela. Neste caso, ele raramente joga vôlei; você pode ver por que nesta foto abaixo.
Apostamos que ele nunca ganhará jogos com essa postura; tudo o que o ator receberá é um monte de bolas e areia batendo no seu lindo rosto. Talvez ele deva tentar outros esportes porque não é adequado para este jogo. Felizmente, ele tem grande talento de ator e vários prêmios para compensar suas deficiências esportivas.
4. As travessuras de Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan já foi uma vez um querido de Hollywood e da mídia. Ela, por sua vez, fez sucesso no cinema nas bilheterias. Quem pode esquecer as Mean Girls, The Parent Trap, Herbie: Full Loaded, Just My Luck, e Freaky Friday? Entretanto, a atriz tem tido muitos problemas que afetam sua imagem.
Dizem que ela está sempre atrasada no set, bebendo demais, e festejando demais. Esta foto a captou em um momento tão bêbada que ela não sabia o que fazer. Felizmente, hoje ela está em um lugar muito melhor em sua vida pessoal.
5. Alicia Alden e seu vestido ‘zipper’.
A atriz Alicia Arden não é estranha ao público com filmes como Enemy Within, Baywatch e Blowback. E em um evento, ela usou um vestido de noite no tapete vermelho que parecia bom quando ela saiu porque os paparazzi iriam tirar a foto dela.
No entanto, a estrela de Hollywood sofreu alguns grandes problemas de guarda-roupa nesta foto. Você a vê mexendo com o zíper de seu vestido azul. Só podemos esperar que ela conserte a tempo. Como ela poderia se mover de outra forma se seu vestido estivesse pendurado por causa do zíper defeituoso?