Scarlett Johansson — Jerry Penacoli

During The Avengers promotional tour, it became evident that many entertainment reporters had a very specific and somewhat intrusive question in mind for the talented Black Widow actress, Scarlett Johansson. Amid these press interactions, Jerry Penacoli, an Extra reporter, dared to inquire whether Scarlett wore anything under her superhero suit in the film. It wasn't just a one-off query; it appeared to be a recurring theme during the interviews.

Scarlett's patience was visibly thin as she responded, "You're like the fifth person that's asked me that today." She couldn't help but express her frustration, adding, "What is going on? Since when do people start asking each other in interviews about their underwear?" The repeated questioning left her exasperated and highlighted the unfortunate tendency of some reporters to delve into personal and irrelevant aspects rather than focusing on the professional aspects of her career.
