Celebrities Who Don’t Support Prince Harry And Meghan

Ever since Prince Harry began dating Meghan Markle, the two have been under scrutiny from the media as well as people from all around the world. It's hard to imagine what hasn't been said about the couple, as members of their families, staff, and even celebrities have weighed in on their relationship and exit from royal life. These celebrities aren't particularly fond of Harry and Meghan and have spoken up against the couple - here's everything they've said about the Royal Family.

Jeremy Clarkson 

Former Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson had strong words about Meghan Markle in light of her and Prince Harry's Netflix docu-series. The Sun published a column he wrote after the second volume of their series aired, and Clarkson criticized Markle harshly, saying she deserved to walk around the streets of London with no clothes on, similar to the 'Shame' scene with Cersei Lannister from Game of Thrones.

In addition, he described his hatred toward her, saying that it was "on a cellular level." His daughter denounced his actions, and The Sun eventually pulled the piece.

Wendy Williams 

If you're a fan of American television, there's a high chance that you're familiar with Wendy Williams. This lady has been ruling our screens for years and has become somewhat of an expert in relationships and love. While many hoped that she will take side with Meghan Markle, that just hasn't been the case. Many suggested that Wendy hasn't been a fan since around 2017. In one particular episode of the Wendy Williams Show in 2017, Wendy noted that Meghan had applied to work on her show in the day. However, instead of calling her by her name, Wendy called the Duchess of Sussex a "random princess." Since then, she has made no secret that she doesn't believe that a former Hollywood actress and Deal or No Deal model has any place within the British Royal Family. She's made sure that everyone knows her thoughts.

Piers Morgan 

There's a high chance that you know who Piers Morgan is - whether you like him or not. He made no secret that he does not like Meghan Markle, but things haven't always been this way. There was once an occasion when these two considered themselves friends and even hung out a few times. Yet, he noted that as soon as Meghan got her leg up in high society and met Prince Harry, she ditched him. Because of this, Piers has concluded that Meghan is a social climber with no place within the Royal Family. At the same time, many people labeled him bitter after the now Duchess ghosted him.

Piers often talks about Meghan and slates almost everything she regularly does. After Harry and Meghan did a very revealing interview with Oprah Winfrey, many people voiced their opinions. Including - somewhat expectedly - Piers Morgan, a long-time harsh critic of Meghan. According to him, all Meghan and Harry did by talking to Oprah was trash the Queen's name - while Harry's grandfather was in the hospital. Putting it that way makes the former Duke and Duchess look disrespectful. However, others have claimed Prince Philip's condition has been exaggerated precisely to vilify the two.

Melissa Francis 

After buying a $15 million home in Santa Barbara, people don't think they deserve to be seen as victims. Sure, the ex-royal couple were slandered by the tabloids, but doesn't that come with immense wealth and fame? If you can also take private jets to Ibiza, or hang out with Elton John, whenever you feel like it, it might not be such a heavy price to pay. American television news personality Melissa Francis is clearly of this opinion.

Prince William 

The Duke of Cambridge has had a rocky relationship with his brother over the years. However, it seems like Harry and Meghan's interview with Oprah Winfrey might have reignited their alleged feud. William commented on the discussion, saying; "We are very much not a racist family." His family was stunned by the interview, which suggested they treated Harry and Meghan atrociously. William is reportedly upset with his brother for vilifying them in the interview. Hopefully, the two will sort things out soon.
