24. Cynthia Nixon

Sex and the City is a show that has become synonymous with the bustling metropolis. Its leading actresses, Sarah Jessica Parker and Cynthia Nixon are no exception. Both women are synonymous with the city, and it's hard to imagine them living anywhere else. While Parker is originally from Ohio, she has become an adopted New Yorker, having lived there for over three decades. Nixon, on the other hand, was born and raised in New York and has never left the city. Her love for New York is evident in her public appearances and advocacy for various causes.

In a recent photo of Cynthia Nixon, the actress is seen riding a train and smiling. However, the photo is not just an ordinary candid moment. At the time the picture was taken, Nixon was running for governor, and the photo-op was intended to show her relatability to voters. The image captured Nixon's down-to-earth personality. And their desire to connect with the people she intended to serve. Her humble approach to politics demonstrated her commitment to New York and its citizens. Which undoubtedly contributed to her widespread appeal during the election.
