20. Jennifer Lopez

It comes as no surprise that Jennifer Lopez. Also known as J-Lo, has been spotted using public transportation. In her hometown of New York City. As a proud New Yorker, it's only natural that the pop star would use public transportation to get around the city. Even while waiting for the train, J-Lo manages to look effortlessly chic. A testament to her status as a fashion icon.

J-Lo's path to stardom was not an easy one, but she persevered. And is now one of the wealthiest stars in Hollywood. These days, she rarely uses public transportation, but who can blame her? After all, who would trade the comfort and convenience of a luxury car for the often crowded and unpredictable subway? Despite her success and fame, J-Lo remains grounded and connected to her roots. And her occasional use of public transportation is a reminder of her humble beginnings. And her continued love for her hometown.
