17. Andrew Garfield

Andrew Garfield, the former Spiderman actor, was known for his portrayal of the friendly neighborhood hero who used his great powers responsibly. Despite his fame and success, Garfield did not let it get to his head and was often seen using public transportation. However, these days, it is rare to spot the actor out and about, making the person sitting next to him in this situation incredibly lucky.

It is noteworthy to take note of the fact that the man who is seated next to Garfield looks to be totally unaware of the presence of the actor, as he is shown sitting in a comfortable posture. This serves as a useful reminder that the people who get the chance to have a personal interaction with celebrities are frequently folks who do not actively follow the celebrities' careers. In this particular scenario, the man's lack of awareness made it possible for Garfield to have a sincere and unpretentious moment with him. This instance further highlights the unpredictability of life and the need to focus one's attention on the now and now.
