14. Helen Mirren

For many people, the idea of sitting across from a movie star on a train would be a dream come true. However, for New Yorkers, this may be a common occurrence, and they may simply take a quick photo and carry on with their day. Despite the nonchalant attitude of the locals, encountering a celebrity like Helen Mirren on public transportation is a unique experience that many would cherish.

As a Dame and renowned actress, Mirren exudes elegance and sophistication, but that does not mean she shies away from taking the subway from time to time. In a bustling city like Manhattan, where traffic can be overwhelming, public transportation can be a more practical and efficient option. While subway trains can be crowded and noisy, they still offer a glimpse into the daily lives of the people who call New York City home. However, if comfort is a concern, taking the bus may be a better choice, as they offer a smoother ride and more spacious seating.
