11. J Cole

J. Cole is a well-known rapper and producer who is revered for the contemplative lyrics and socially aware issues that he explores in his music. Cole has maintained his modesty and his connection to the earth in spite of his enormous success and widespread popularity. He has not allowed his notoriety to alter his personality or his sense of what is important in life. Because of the commitment he has shown to both his art and his audience, he has amassed a devoted following.

Cole's low-key persona is evident in his daily life, as he often keeps a low profile and avoids the paparazzi. So, it's not surprising that his fans were surprised when they saw him hopping onto a bus. In this photo, a lucky kid and his mother had the chance to take a selfie with Cole, who was gracious and accommodating despite being caught off guard. Moments like this are a testament to Cole's character and his appreciation for his fans, who he credits for his success. He remains an inspiration to aspiring artists everywhere and a shining example of what a celebrity can be when they stay true to themselves.
