10. Nicole Scherzinger

Nicole Scherzinger is a well-known pop star and former lead singer of the successful girl group Pussycat Dolls. Despite her fame and success, Scherzinger remains grounded and appreciative of the simpler things in life, such as riding the subway. In a world where many celebrities are known for their extravagant lifestyles and lavish spending, Scherzinger is known for her down-to-earth personality and relatability.

This photo of Scherzinger riding the London Tube was taken during her time dating Formula 1 icon Lewis Hamilton. It was her first time riding the underground train, and she attempted to remain incognito while doing so. The clean train and comfy seats depicted in the photo are a far cry from the crowded and sometimes dirty subways of New York City, where many celebrities opt for private transportation. Scherzinger's willingness to embrace public transportation is a refreshing change from the norm and shows that even the biggest stars can still appreciate the simple pleasures in life. Her dedication to her fans has earned her a loyal following, and her humble personality has made her a beloved figure in the entertainment industry.
