9. Kim and Kourtney Kardashian

The reality television star Kim Kardashian is one of the most celebrities in the world. She is famous for her taste in fashion, her high-profile romances, and her reality television program. However, her relationship with New York City goes back over a decade, when she and her family were in town to shoot an episode of their hit reality show, Keeping Up with the Kardashians. The episode, which aired in 2010, featured Kim and her sisters exploring the city and taking in the sights.

While filming the show, Kim and her sister Kourtney decided to take a ride on the subway, much to the surprise of their fans and fellow passengers. The sisters spent the ride taking pictures and goofing around, looking out of place among the everyday New Yorkers on the train. Kim's posing, in particular, drew a lot of attention, as it seemed like she was experiencing public transportation for the first time. The hilarious photos quickly went viral, cementing Kim's status as a pop culture icon and adding to the lore of her larger-than-life persona.
