Use your countertop as storage
Credit: Shutterstock

11. Use your countertop as storage

If you're not using enough room in your kitchen drawers, a jar on the counter is a perfect place to put your kitchen utensils. Stores like HomeGoods and Walmart sell affordable utensil jars in the kitchen area. So you don't have to buy something too fancy or too expensive. Finding ways to keep all your utensils in one place is key to kitchen organization.

Use your countertop as storage
Credit: Shutterstock

In my house, we have more than one jar filled with utensils on our counter. One is used strictly for the wooden spoons we use for pasta, and the other is filled with knives and additional tools that we usually use while cooking. This makes it so much easier to find items that we often use instead of putting them in a drawer to get lost.
