Sports Bloopers That Made the Entire World Laugh

Top athletes get credit for their discipline and determination. Yet, mistakes happen out there. We live in a digital world, and the internet misses nothing. It's hard to compete while the world laughs at your expense. Aside from conquering their challenge, these athletes succeeded in another way: They're in the blooper hall of fame! Sports are a serious endeavor, but comic relief makes it true entertainment. Check out our first-round picks below.

Let's hope it's a Warm Butt

Wrestling is a full-contact sport. When you agree to get in the ring, you know you're about to get up close and personal with your opponent. There are rules to moderate the game, but eventually, you're bound to get a butt in your face. But is that so bad? Looking at this fellow's face, he doesn't mind that much. He appears to be enjoying it. We see a little smile. A picture says a thousand words. 

Get Your Game Face On

Track and field are sports dating back to the Greeks. We still watch them at the Olympics. This fine sportsman is throwing the shotput. If he shows enough power, the heavy ball should fly far. Mister 1273 is on his way to gold. Looking at his face, we see a champion. He winds up his arm and gathers momentum. 

LeBron's Pick 

Superstar LeBron James is a top pick of all NBA games year after year. Despite all the glamorous photos, he does have his share in the funny pics corner. This time, the camera caught him in the act. Maybe he had an itching nose, as we all do. It sure looks like he is searching for boogers. Let's hope he cleaned his hands before touching the ball afterward.

Headless Yet Fearless

Gymnastics is an Olympic sport that requires strength and grace. This competitor has both, plus a sense of style. But despite her advantages, she lacks something else. Namely, she lacks a human head. Is she still alive? She is jumping around and leaping into the air like a pro. But we can't ignore the fact that she has been beheaded. 

Hot Panties

Soccer and football are all the same. We have our preferred name for the sport. But one thing is universal: Things get pretty moist when running around in the heat. This player wants to let the air in, despite the crowd. They might be white shorts, but they look like undies from the photo alone. And the internet doesn't care. Welcome to the Internet Hall of Fame!

Taking One For the Team

Many team sports teach us many lessons on and off the field. We learn to rely on others while supporting them, too. This college-level soccer team is taking a break and strategizing. But that's not all. From far away, we can see the truth. Here is the real alignment of this team. Most of the lads are standing upright. But one is bending over to catch his breath. If he only knew the internet was watching. Too late now!

An Idea Post

Ice skating is the most popular event at the Winter Olympics. Here, a couple was trying their best routine. From a weird angle, the female head pops out from her partner's rear. We are sure this is the first couple that has tried this idea. Maybe they are trying a new move to gain more points? 

Oh no, It's The Ball.

The pressures are high when you're in the NBA. Millions of fans are watching your moves on TV. The crowd can cheer or boo, and it's nerve-wracking. Plus, you have to deal with a bouncing ball. That part is the worst! This player can't hide his fear as it bounces closer and closer. The camera caught his raw emotion. 

That Was A Close One

Tampa Bay Rays reporter Kelly Nash tried to take a selfie at Fenway Park. Unbeknownst to her, a player at batting practice hit a home run right by her head. Luckily, the report lived to tell the tale and post it on Instagram. She was only a few centimeters away from a concussion.

Lucky Black Cat

In 2014, a black cat invaded the opening game of the Spanish Primera Division. It was captured on video and broadcast to millions at home. In the stadium, fans laughed, and the players were amused. The animal even upstaged Lionel Messi. As the players chased him, this kitty ran at top speed. We could see he was stressed and didn't know how to escape. Eventually, he got chased away. 
