27.Inquire about exchanging items for store credit.

26. To get better deals, learn about brands.

Knowing what you're looking at at the thrift store is one of the best methods to save a lot of money. If you're always shopping on a budget, for example, you could stick to clothing from Old Navy or Walmart. As a result, some of the brand names on labels may be unfamiliar to you. However, if you educate yourself on high-end products, you'll be able to recognize when you've found a genuine bargain.

For example, you might get a terrific deal if you locate a $10 blouse at Old Navy that you can get for $1 at a thrift store. However, finding a $100 garment and paying a dollar for it is an even better deal. Start by locating excellent prices at any local secondhand stores after educating yourself more about fashion brands. You could end up with a closet full of nice clothes that cost less than an arm and a leg.
