12. Make an acquaintance with the cashier

11. Experiment with different sections of the store.

Checking all of the store's categories quickly is an excellent money-saving method for finding garments. It makes no difference if you generally shop in the women's department. Take a quick browse through the men's or children's sections. You might come upon some clothes that a customer has misplaced. You could also locate something that fits your style, even if it's from the opposite gender. Another possibility is that you will share the information with others in your life.

My local Salvation Army has an incredible men's section with high-end clothing that is rarely used. This is because the majority of the people who come through the door are women. As a result, it's understandable that the women's area is more crowded, with fewer options. Besides, I've taken all of my brothers and my father to that particular store to look for the clothes.
