13. Look for items that are misunderstood.

12. Make an acquaintance with the cashier

Almost everywhere you go, it's a good idea to make friends with the cashier. Remember that if you work in retail or service, you will encounter a lot of rude customers. As a result, when a kind customer walks through the door, it is much appreciated. They'll be relieved to see you since it means their job will be a little bit easier for a few moments. After some time, you may even consider them a friend. You may never grab drinks with this individual or hang out outside of the building, but there is still someone with whom you can have a five- to ten-minute friendly talk.

When you develop friends with a coworker, they are more inclined to share their money-saving tips with you. They may even put items aside for you so that you can purchase them later. When working full-time as a reseller, this would happen frequently. When you make friends with a coworker, they are more inclined to share their money-saving tips with you. They may even put items aside for you to purchase later. When I worked full-time as a reseller, this frequently happened to me.
