Save by ignoring personalized luxuries
Photo Credit: House Beautiful

21. Save by ignoring personalized luxuries

Making your home so personal from your taste is one of the worst things you can do. Yes, your home is your home, and you should do whatever you want with it. But if you plan to sell your home someday, you need to keep that future buyer in mind. Would others view your personalization as a positive or negative thing? For example, a woman in the United Kingdom has been attempting to sell her home since 2014. Still, no one is interested in purchasing it because she has painted the entire interior in rainbow colors. She is an artist and loves to be surrounded by color. After decades of being indoors, she wanted to sell it now, but her floor-to-floor artwork frightened buyers. All this time, money, and effort were worth it. But for now, it means it's impossible to sell it at all.

Photo Credit: 1st Dibs

Another famous example of spending too much on a luxury household item is Donald Trump's gold toilet. Well, maybe it was expensive for him to buy. And perhaps what's essential for him to is to have a golden bathroom. But that doesn't mean it adds value to his home. It could turn out to be a return for a lot of people. You can also save money by going to the toilet typically.
