Sore throat

You can easily cure sore throats by combining lemon, pepper, and salt! In a glass of warm water, mix the juice of three fresh lemons, one teaspoon sea salt, and 1/2 teaspoon black pepper. Use homemade miracle remedies many times per day, and you'll be good to go. The approach reduces not only your sore throat but also the heavy coughing.

Cold and flu

After getting caught in the heavy rain, we tend to get a bad cold and flu. Let's try with a glass of lemon, salt, and pepper mixture. Start by adding half a lemon to a glass of boiling water. Let the zest remain in the cup for 10 minutes. Then, you remove it from the glass and put a teaspoon of honey, some black pepper, and a little bit of salt. You will feel better if you drink these 2 to 3 times every day!


To lessen nausea immediately, a combination of a tablespoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon of black pepper, and salt is a good idea for you. Mix the ingredients in a glass of warm water and drink slowly. The black pepper soothes an upset stomach, while the lemon relieves nausea.

Weight loss

You should consider the beverage listed here if you have some trouble losing weight. 1/4 teaspoon black pepper, tablespoon honey, and two spoons of lemon juice in a glass of water. After that, season with salt and drink the cocktail every morning on an empty stomach. You'll notice that you're losing weight swiftly!

Canker sores

We often have a hard time dealing with mouth ulcers, don't we? Fortunately, there is a simple hack you can use! Combine one lemon juice and a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water. Rinse your mouth with this mixture after each meal. Your canker sores will vanish in no time!
