
Elvis is a musician with plenty of influence on the history of rock n roll, but as a human being, his personality leaves much to be desired. User ZestycloseJob1242 says, “Sure he could sing. However, he was abusive to women [and] he preyed on teenage girls. Stories came out such as him having three, 14 old girls, in his hotel room to have a pillow fight and "wrestle" with him when he was 22 years old with him. He dated 15-year-old Dixie Locke and harassed and controlled her to the point she wanted nothing to do with him. He married 14-year-old Priscilla when he was 24 and repeatedly cheated on her, and she claims he raped her once.”

ZestycloseJob1242 continues: “He installed a 2-way mirror in his home to spy on couples having sex during his parties. After his divorce from Priscilla, he dated Reeca Smith, who was only 14 then. After her, he met and got engaged to 21-year-old Ginger Alden. Yes, finally, someone of age. Unfortunately, he was abusive. She claims he used to fire his gun in the house as warning shots, including above her head into the headboard one evening, and once shot their TV.”
