Where Are Her Ribs?

The caption addresses the unrealistic proportions of the woman's body, acknowledging that while she works hard at the gym and likely has a perfectly fit and toned physique, the portrayed proportions are simply impossible. The humorous question, "Where Are Her Ribs?" highlights the absurdity of the edited image, as such extreme body proportions are not achievable through any amount of training, diet, or exercise.

The caption also points out that no amount of hard work in the gym can create a body with such unrealistic proportions, and it's puzzling why someone would want to alter their physique in such a way when they already put in effort to sculpt their body through dedicated training. The message is a reminder that embracing and appreciating one's natural body, as achieved through hard work and healthy practices, is far more empowering and realistic than chasing unattainable ideals through editing.
