So Much to Think About

Bree's "posed vs. unposed" photos and her "real me" hashtag convey a crucial message: comparing ourselves to the images we encounter online is futile. She repeatedly demonstrates that social media models possess expertise in capturing photos that impeccably "flatter" their bodies without extensive post-production editing. These posts underscore the disparity between carefully crafted online personas and real-life authenticity, emphasizing that the pursuit of comparison is inherently unproductive.

While Bree and Sara's posts serve as educational resources, they aim primarily to normalize the act of proudly displaying one's body exactly as it is. Despite this intent, they refrain from ridiculing the "posed" photos, recognizing that, although they may not represent reality, they still depict their bodies in their most conventionally "attractive" and "flattering" angles, reflecting personal choices in self-expression rather than seeking to mock or belittle.
