So Cute!

Sara Puhto, another remarkable Instagram influencer, has also taken up the mantle of addressing the issue of fabricated "posed" photos on social media. Hailing from Finland, this 26-year-old influencer boasts over 413K followers and actively reminds her audience that "your body isn't a trend!" Sara consistently shares "Real Me" posts alongside photos and videos documenting her journey toward body acceptance. She courageously showcases areas of her body with which she used to feel discomfort, normalizing the act of embracing her authentic self.

Sara's posts are rich with the lessons she has learned about her body and how to love and embrace its various aspects. She candidly discusses the supposed imperfections she once perceived in herself. Now, her energy is channeled into adoring every inch of her being and focusing on the beauty of her personality. Sara certainly emphasizes that the way her body looks is the least interesting thing about her, advocating for a shift toward valuing inner qualities and self-acceptance.
