Unusual Phobias Celebrities Suffer From

We would never have guessed what spooks some of these stars, but Hollywood is home to strange and unusual phobias. From Kristen Bell's aversion to pruney fingers to Channing Tatum's fear of porcelain dolls, here are some bizarre phobias among celebs.

Kendall Jenner

Kendall Jenner allegedly has a super bad case of trypophobia. For anyone unsure about what that is, she says tiny little holes set in random patterns put her on edge. For example, she can't look at things like lotus heads, honeycombs, or even pancakes. Imagine being unable to eat pancakes for breakfast due to fear.

Britney Spears

Britney Spears has spoken about her herpetophobia many times, which is a fear of snakes. Specifically, the superstar is most terrified of the Komodo dragons, but any reptile sighting is enough to make Britney freak out. We are guessing that the reptile exhibit at the zoo is not a place the Princess of Pop will be seen at any time soon.

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson has been in dozens of movies, and we are sure that at least one featured her greatest fear. That is, Scarlett is terrified of birds. The actress told New York Magazine that "Something about wings and beaks and the flapping" angers her. When she encountered some peacocks on set, she said that she definitely tried to keep her distance. So, if we see Scarlett shouting in fear, we can assume there's a bird nearby.

Channing Tatum

If not for Channing Tatum confessing that he has a severe fear of porcelain dolls, we would have assumed he is fearless. We should know by now not to judge a book by its cover because Tatum recoiled and panicked when Ellen DeGeneres brought out a porcelain doll while interviewing the actor. Perhaps he should try playing with his daughter's doll house to overcome this fear.

Johnny Depp

With the number of fantasy films Johnny Depp has acted in, we would have assumed that the actor would not possess a fear of clowns. Nonetheless, the Pirates of the Caribbean star gets rather scared by the idea of people walking around with big red noses atop white face paint. Back in 1999, Depp was quoted saying, "there always seemed to be a darkness lurking just under the surface, a potential for real evil."

Taylor Swift

Sea urchins sure ruin a perfect beach day, but to be honest, they are not enough to deter us from going into the water. On the other hand, Taylor Swift is so terrified of these spiny sea animals that if she knows that sea urchins are lingering beneath the waves, she will not dare step into the water just in case she accidentally steps on one and gets pricked.
