Cheater on the Verge of Being Arrested For Something Much Worse
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22. He had no idea what was going to happen, and the scars were deep.

When you truly, deeply trusted your mate, cheating might hurt a lot more. You were sure they would never betray you, and then they do. It causes you to doubt your judgment, which takes time to correct. “My best friend was pals with my girlfriend and her roommates,” writes ChapInGrillSGT on Reddit. My pal eventually spilled the beans to me about her bringing this dude home after a party. 'I truly don't want to tell you this, and I know it will break your heart, but I can't keep this from you,' she added. ‘Hell no!' I exclaimed after she dropped the bombshell. That would never happen!' I said, and later that night, I questioned my partner about it. She sobbed and told me everything.”

“I stayed with that girl for another seven months, and God bless my friend for always being by my side and supporting me. My best buddy was still there to support and care for me when I ultimately ended things. Since that incident seven years ago, I haven't dated anyone for more than six months... At first, it was a difficult few years, but I've discovered my passions and hobbies and am becoming more at ease with myself. I've learnt to appreciate myself and the life I've been given. That's fantastic if a lady wants to join me in this experience. However, I am content with who I am and where I am.”
