There were numerous indications that she was having an affair.
Credit: Shutterstock

26. There were numerous indications that she was cheating on me

Nav17, a Reddit member, contributed the following tale. “Four years ago, I was dating a girl who had become distant and uninterested in many of the activities we shared. Despite my attempts to talk to her about it, she became increasingly distant. Then she became less available to get out with and began working late regularly. When she was constantly on her phone, I began to suspect she was cheating. I attempted to bring it up again, but she was uninterested. She also didn't want to end our relationship for any reason.”

They were discussing the possibility of fleeing together. He was her boss, and he was married. They were discovered by employees who alerted HR. They were both denied advancement and required to attend training on not sleeping with coworkers. His wife left him and relocated to another country to avoid the shame. At the time, it sucked. I was heartbroken, but karma was on their side.”
