Cheating stories
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17. Keep in Mind That Your Texts Sync With Your Apple Watch

RandyJohnson, a Reddit user, used technology to discover that his ex was cheating on him. "It all started in December, right before my family and I went on a holiday trip to see them. She began to act strangely, distantly and easily irritated. I confronted her in January after discovering some incriminating texts she had exchanged with a buddy. She claims that she kissed a coworker, and that was the end of it. We were having some problems in our relationship, so I chose to forgive her, and we decided to attempt to work through some of the problems."

"Well, fast forward to May of this year... She finally admits that she was lying to me and that she had slept with this other guy. We broke up shortly after, but we had been together for eight years and engaged for over two years. Our wedding was planned to take place the day before yesterday. It's still causing me pain. I'm not sure where to proceed from here. 2020 is free to eat a d-."
