A Confession

As Jack spoke with his attorney outside, he caught a glimpse of Lucy approaching from the corner of his eye. He hastily ended the conversation, glanced at his phone, and turned around, only to come face-to-face with his former girlfriend. The tension of their past relationship was now intertwined with the complex issue of child support for a non-biological child.

As Jack looked closely at Lucy, he immediately noticed that she wasn't doing well. Dark circles ringed her eyes, and she appeared frail, as if she hadn't been eating properly. Jack couldn't help but wonder what was going on with her. Yet, despite her condition, she managed to smirk at him. "Oh, Jacky, I'm sorry you got dragged into this. I just couldn't bear the humiliation of admitting who the adoptive father was. He doesn't have any money to give me anyway. Besides, you were always my favorite ex-boyfriend," she confessed with a sly smile. After this revelation, Lucy gently touched his cheek and walked away, leaving Jack completely stunned.
