Under Surveillance

Upon her return to Romania, Nadia Comăneci quickly realized the consequences of her decision to remain loyal to her homeland, especially after her coach's defection. Romanian authorities began to lose trust in Comăneci and subjected her to intense surveillance. Agents constantly followed her, her phone was tapped, and her mail was intercepted. Romania was determined to prevent its star athlete from defecting, fearing the potential loss of such a prominent figure.

As a precautionary measure, Comăneci was even prohibited from traveling to competitions outside the Communist Bloc. Ironically, Romania's efforts to keep her under close watch pushed her further away. Feeling increasingly unsafe, Comăneci began exploring ways to escape. She reached out to Constantin Panait, a Romanian who had successfully fled to Florida by swimming across the Danube River. Panait offered his assistance, and they began crafting an escape plan together.
