32. In circles again and over again

A woman complains about not getting her period. It's been two months since he's had one.

Me: Do you believe there's a chance you're expecting a child?

No, patient! It's not possible.

Me: Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?

Yes, of course, patient.

Me: Do you utilize any security?

No, patient.

Me: Do you think you're expecting a child?

Rep for another 15 minutes.

I swear if we had stapled a bag of pregnancy tests to the door with a sign saying "Think you're pregnant?" we could have cut down on the number of visits to the ER. “Please take one!” And affixing an ultrasound probe to the door with a sign that reads, "Want a picture of the baby?" This is where we take the ultrasounds.”

In circles again and over again
Image by Anthony Macchio from Pixabay