23. I just can’t!

I saw a 16-year-old girl who was experiencing stomach pains and nausea. She hadn't had her period in around 6-8 weeks when I assessed her. She responded yes when I asked if she was romantically active. When I asked if she used birth control, she replied she didn't since she couldn't get pregnant.

I then questioned as to what medical problem she was suffering from that stopped her from conceiving.

I'm just not able to conceive.” Quote un-freaking quote. Guess who was expecting a child? The stupid 16-year-old girl who couldn't conceive. Her incomprehensibility astounded me. On the plus side, her lover stayed with her, and I ran across her again a few years later. She had completed high school and was preparing to apply to colleges.

I just can’t!
Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay