27. Very mature adult male behavior

An old friend of mine is a Nurse Practitioner. She told me she once saw a male patient complaining of severe butt itching and general pain.

She is a very smart people-person, she can read people very well. She got right to the point and asked him about his daily hygiene routine. She had a hunch based on his presentation that he was a “man’s man.”

To cut a long tale short, he never washed his butt when showering. Ever. He warned her that touching his buttocks in any way, even for the sake of cleaning them, was "homosexual."

She had to explain to him that the intense rash and itching he had been suffering from for what seemed like years was caused by his supposed "homo actions."

She advised him to return home, shower properly, and use witch hazel for a few days.

Incredibly, a mature man thinks like this.

Very mature adult male behavior
Image by tookapic from Pixabay