28. People don't seem to understand the concept of cause and effect.

The following are three that come to mind for me:

(1) Trying to persuade a patient that eating a jar of cottage cheese that had been sitting on the counter all night was probably not a good idea.

(2) The entire family of a woman who had a pacemaker insisted that she had no history of heart problems. They were confident that she had no longer had any heart problems because the pacemaker had benefited her.

(3) A family with a 650-pound mother. They would have to contact the fire department if they wanted to take her anyplace - they were always apologetic and stated they didn't know why she was so heavy and that she had tried everything to lose weight. But there's nothing but Butterfinger, Babe Ruth, Reese cup packages, and fast food bags all around her bed. I'm like, she can't even walk by herself! Deliver a salad to her. She's so fat because of all of this stuff and her lack of mobility.

People don't seem to understand the concept of cause and effect.
Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay