La Catedral - Pablo Escobar's 5-star prison
The massive prison called La Catedral has now been used as a place for artists. Credit: Airshipdaily

27. La Catedral - Pablo Escobar's 5-star prison

The wealthiest criminal in history - Pablo Escobar, is worth $30 billion and is well known as the leader of the Colombian drug cartel. Cartel and local government had been in a full-blown war before, Escobar agreed to turn himself in to stop the violence. Instead of going to the U.S. prison system, he decided to stay in Columbia and live in La Catedral - a prison he designed. Pablo Escobar promised to stop human trafficking and stay here for 13 months. But of course, he still went the same way and continued his crimes.

This "prison" is like a 5-star resort. It has a performance stage, swimming pool, often party and casino. Furthermore, it has cells that resemble a prison used to hold and execute Pablo's enemies. In the end, he decided to escape from this 5-star prison. Soon, the whole town was flooded with police looking for him. Finally, he received the death sentence, and the locals demolished many of the prison's walls. If you want to know more about it, check out the video on Yes Theory YouTube Channel.
