Most likely, the Mudhouse Mansion was too haunted to live there.
The beautiful Mudhouse Mansion was left untouched for decades. Credit: Wikimedia Commons

16. The Mudhouse Mansion was too haunted to live there.

No one knows who built the “Mudhouse Mansion” or when it was erected in Fairfield County, Ohio. The mansion was built between the 1840s and 1900, according to historians. It's a lovely house built in the Second Empire style. There are a lot of other structures on the property, one of which might be used as a guest house. This place could have been stunning and worth well over a million dollars if it had ever been renovated. The house, however, had been vacant since the 1930s. It was passed down through several generations of the original owners' family, but no one wanted to fix it up and move in. It's odd that no one in the extended family, despite obtaining a mansion for free, was eager to fix it up.

People believed it was haunted for decades, and it was the subject of much local folklore and lore. One of the rumors was that the family kept their slaves chained all night during the Civil War. The slave eventually broke free and murdered the entire family. Another rumor about the Mudhouse Mansion is that the woman who possessed it was the one who first murdered her children there. This went on until 2015 when the building was ultimately demolished.
