Comic That Perfectly Sum Up The Life Of A Married Man

While no two marriages are strictly the same, many men out there will agree that there are certain things they equally experience in every marriage out there. When you see couples having issues similar to yours, it relieves and reassures you that you are not doing something wrong. Yehuda Devir, an artist from Israel, has created some comic renditions from the diverse ups and downs he's faced so far in his marriage with Maya. From the honeymoon phase to trying to be parents, we have compiled the most relatable comics that will help you breathe a sigh of relief!

The Shy Guy

You might feel your husband is a charmer, but even stunning men can have self-esteem issues. From time to time, he might need some encouragement, too. Try to be his cheerleader. He needs it more than you know. If he isn't feeling like a charmer, you shouldn't pressure him to be like other guys. Avoid places that further increase his insecurities if you know he feels uncomfortable. Finally, remind him that he will always be the apple of your eye!

The Trickster

Nothing keeps couples together better than sharing laughter. However, adding weight and changing body shapes isn't something to laugh at. Your woman might look flawless to you. Yet, she might be worried about adding a few pounds throughout your relationship. The most useful thing to do in this situation is to make her see how much you love her. Remind her that she will always be the most beautiful girl in the room to you. Hopefully, she accepts that adding a few pounds isn't something to fret over and shouldn't affect your relationship.

The Angry Sleepers

Fights are sometimes inevitable, and resolving them might make you angrier than the issue itself. Such wrath could overpower other emotions, making it difficult to obey the "never go to bed angry" scenario. Try to remind each other of your undying love, even in the face of anger. When the day breaks, revisit the issue when you both will be much calmer. Don't draw a veil over any issue. You should talk about it if it were big enough to have caused a fight. These issues can come back up if you don't hash it out.

The Shredder

Just like death and taxes are constant in life, so is hair shedding for ladies. As if losing millions of strands every day isn't enough to annoy you, you will realize that the more hair she has, the more places it will end up, including in your food sometimes! True, this can get you angry, but try not to complain. Be patient. Us men would have found a way out of this if there was any solution. These strands of hair serve as a security blanket they need to protect their feminine nature.

The Other Double Standard

Weight gain may be a big issue in a relationship. In many societies around the world, women's bulging stomachs are generally frowned upon. However, men don't receive as much criticism. A protruding belly and tight-fitted pants may be a usual look for some men. However, a little weight gain by the ladies raises more than eyebrows. People start talking and advising her on why she should lose weight for health reasons, perhaps. Ensure you appreciate your spouse in whatever form she takes. It's not something to fight over.

The Proposal

The power of two coming together to become one is immeasurable. The picture below illustrates what you go through when you are about to make such a decision. Asking someone to be your life partner requires courage and a lot of planning. You need to get it right. We wonder if guys ever think about getting "no" as an answer. Well, Maya looked like she had longed for this moment since they met. In our opinion, private and intimate proposals are the best. It keeps you in control of the event.
